Who We Support / Finding The Right School

Our designation is to provide for students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.

We welcome a student with or without an EHCP (students without an EHCP would be either privately funded or the recipient of a full or partial bursary) who is exhibiting mild to moderate levels of one or more of the following:

  • A child suffering from depression and related problems which in the extreme have led to self harm and possible suicide ideation 
  • Anxiety based problems including attachment disorder and Tourette’s syndrome 
  • Phobias inhibiting school attendance or “normal” living e.g., OCD 
  • Refusal to attend school; separation anxiety disorder 
  • High functioning ASD 
  • Mental health problems suffered as a result of complex trauma 
  • Externalising behaviour difficulties including ADHD
  • Relationship problems and lack of social skills 
  • A child suffering family trauma as a result of events such as accidents, bereavement or abuse.
  • Social difficulties, possibly as a result of extreme discrimination or bullying  
  • Specific learning difficulties with resultant behaviour reactions 
  • Social and communication difficulties 
  • Diagnoses of ME and post viral syndrome illnesses which have prevented normal school attendance and progress 

We are unable to support students who display the following tendencies, but we can often recommend an appropriate School. 

  • A sustained history of violence directed against property, students or staff  
  • A history of arson 
  • A history of bringing fire arms, knives or other dangerous items into school
  • A child whose behaviour creates unacceptable health & safety risk 
  • A child who has been known to supply or deal in drugs 
  • A child who has severe learning difficulties and who is unable to access the broad and balanced curriculum delivered for students of average or above potential
  • A child with complex physical needs 
  • Students with a primary speech and language need 
  • A child with high levels of mental health difficulties such as Schizophrenia/Psychosis/Severe Personality Disorder 
  • A child who presents as a significant suicidal risk 
  • A child whose behaviour is likely to significantly impact negatively on fellow members of our school community, for example, by increasing anxiety in other students
  • A child with a history of persistent sexualised behaviour or assault
  • A child who would require a high level of staff support, for example, in our ratio of 2:1, in order to keep themselves and/or others safe or to make progress in their learning

We do not normally take students with traits or or a diagnosis of PDA, ODD or Conduct Disorder, however each young person is assessed on a case by case basis. 


Finding the Right School

If you are looking for a school for your son or daughter, we would advise the following:

Do your research, visit the school and ask as many questions as possible. Make sure they have the right balance of support. Education should be at the appropriate level with specific support where needed. Therapy should not stand alone and should inform school staff in their practices and approach.

If you are considering an independent school, check how they are funded and explore their fee structure. If the Local Authority is funding the placement, you will need to also research your local maintained mainstream and special schools to see if they have appropriate provision. Local Authorities will want to place with the most appropriate and cost-effective provision.

Talk to your Local Authority about the school you have selected. Some schools, like ours, will support the application process and will work proactively with you and the Local Authority to find the most appropriate provision.

Ensure any assessments are up to date and relevant. This is the evidence that will enable professionals to make the right decisions around provision and any associated costs. If you disagree with the identified provision or placement you can appeal the decision through a tribunal process.