Lower School

"... a respectable and nurturing environment which allows students to develop strong foundations to build upon".

The Lower School consists of Juniors (KS2), Year 7 and Year 8, where we focus on creating a nurturing environment for students to feel comfortable to allow learning to take place effectively.

The corner stone of our direction is Respect & Manners, and this is a key area we regularly encourage, exhibit and celebrate within the Lower School.  We believe that when students demonstrate these core values or traits, their academic ability will develop as well as their social skills – ready for life in KS4, further education and adult life.

Lower School Outside Lower School Archery

Lower School InsideWith our ever-developing transition programme, we aim to ensure a smooth transition from KS2 to KS3, familiarising our students at an early stage with our school ethos.  By creating a positive atmosphere and culture in which everyone in the school community can develop and excel, we lay a foundation upon which to build their academic success. To support this transition for our students, we have created a flexible curriculum in Year 7 where they also follow a Primary Model to allow for stronger pastoral links and fewer transitions in the day.  Being able to adapt and work with the student’s needs, both academically and socially, will allow students to grow in their own way in a more effective manner. All students will follow a bespoke timetable, tailored to their needs and interest, whilst in a small nurturing environment with no more than 6 students in a class. 


The broad curriculum in Lower School has a particular focus on developing the core skills needed to support learning in Middle and Upper Schools, future employment and independent living.  We work in partnership with families and students to enable every learner to lead a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Along with the core subjects such as English, Maths and Science, students will also access more varied subjects such as, Self-Science, Forest School and Life Skills. 

Lower School Lake

Here in the Lower School, we believe that it is essential in developing the student academically, but also socially and mentally. This holistic approach means the students will access a diverse curriculum where they will experience many different and new opportunities both onsite and in the local community. This includes activities such as horse riding, fishing, activity centres, museums and residential trips and here we will develop the student’s interpersonal skills, such as communication, collaboration and resilience.

logo high Lower School Horse