Holistic Massage Therapy

The importance of paying attention to the physiological wellbeing of our children and young people, and of the inter-relatedness of physical, emotional, and cognitive effectiveness, is acknowledged through the provision of massage sessions. Both staff and young people consistently report increased attention and on task behaviour following students benefitting from such support.

When professional massage techniques are applied with sensitivity to our students’ individual needs and request on the day, massage can be not only enjoyable, but also physically and emotionally healing. Appropriate touch is an extremely great skin stimulation and with the combination of the right hypoallergenic oils, their scents, music and environment, the rest of sensory organs get fully indulged too, resulting in a unique holistic experience. Children can have their shoulders and back massaged whilst having their lesson, which helps them to be calm, focussed and learn better, or they can choose to have a therapy treatment on their head, hands or feet in a relaxation room. Apart from that, they have the opportunity to learn self-massage for breathing and emotional regulation: The Scotson Technique-massage of the diaphragm.