Our charitable objectives and the route we take to achieving these are underpinned by our values, ethos and approach. We are passionate about what we do and are always looking to support others in following the same journey. We are always learning and welcome opportunities to develop and to become more effective. If you would like to work with us in achieving our objectives, please contact us.
To provide education for children and young people, and in particular those whose mainstream education has broken down because of trauma or other reasons. Children who need expert help to develop their physical, mental, spiritual and moral capabilities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved.
To establish research into education of children with special educational needs and to disseminate the results of such research.
To provide training for teachers and other professionals working in the field of education of children with special educational needs.
To support and empower every member of our community in the process of developing the capacity to accept and exercise responsibility; to demonstrate respect for themselves and others; to build and maintain relationships based on trust, respect and integrity; and to be courageous enough to continue to build the resilience necessary to flourish.
Having respect for others, for ourselves and for our environment.
Having the courage to accept responsibility for our own actions and their consequences, and taking the necessary action to do what’s right.
Being open to the vulnerability that comes from building trusting and respectful relationships, knowing that through connection comes so much of what gives life value.
Developing the courage to live life, accepting failure as part of learning and growth, and building the capacity to respond positively to adversity.