Adam Forrest, Head Boy, 19th February 1998-May 2024

It is with deepest sadness that I am writing to share the loss of one of our former students, Adam Forrest.

Adam came to us at West Heath in Year 7 and I had the absolute privilege of being his Form Tutor. He was an incredible young man with a passionate love of learning. He was curious, enterprising, and his eyes would always sparkle with humour. Adam never took himself seriously and was the first to find humour in various situations. Adam enjoyed supportive relationships with both staff and students. He was a very talented young man, and his supreme modesty endeared him to everyone.

Adam was that quiet presence in the classroom, absorbing everything around him. He attended successful trips to Derbyshire, Cornwall and our inaugural skiing trip to the French Alps. He was an excellent sportsman, and he would often talk on the trips of his aspiration to be a sports physiotherapist. No one was surprised when Adam became Head Boy of West Heath School. He embodied all the qualities that one would associate with leadership. Adam was a wonderful ambassador for our school, and we all took great pride in his achievements. For a while, after college, Adam worked as a Duty Caretaker for West Heath. During those times, we would sometimes catch up and have philosophical chats about so many different things. Adam was very well read and he was very articulate in expressing his point of view. 

Adam achieved his career goal and worked successfully as a personal trainer, living in Kent. He loved the outdoors and he was especially fond of animals and the healing power of nature. He was very thoughtful and caring towards others and he embodied the School values of Respect, Relationships, Responsibility and Resilience. Adam leaves us with so many cherished memories of times shared, laughter and his incredible smile, whose warmth lit up a room. Our thoughts are with his mother, Sadie Ball, at this time, and we send her our deepest condolences. 

Adam has passed away far too soon, as we look back over the 26 precious years of his life. Adam was a cherished member of the West Heath community. He remains forever young, and we will always carry his memory in our hearts.


Adam Forrest a Adam Forrest b


‘The trouble is, you think you have time.’  The Buddha, (Siddhartha Gautama), founder of Buddhism


By Helen Lowrie Marshall


I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one,

I’d like to have an afterglow of smiles when life is done,

I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways,

Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.

I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun;

Of happy memories that I leave when life is done.



Photini Bohacek

Mrs Photini Bohacek  BA (Hons), MA, CPE 

Principal, West Heath School